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Marcliffe at Pitfodels - "Checking in to married life"

In Scotland, they say that rain on your wedding day is good luck. "A wet knot is a strong knot."

In that case Eleanor & Daniel's marriage is surely set to last!

Last weekend's stormy conditions weren't an issue however, certainly nothing a few brollies and a game couple can't overcome...

These guys had a wonderful ceremony at the stunning Saint Mary's Chapel, S Deeside Rd, Blairs followed by a reception at The Marcliffe at Pitfodels.

The performance during the ceremony by Pandy Arthur - Soprano, accompanied by string quartet, was just spectacular to hear.

Special mention goes out to the grandparents though... Eleanor and her "Nonno" (grandpa) were just so cute together. A beautiful friendship that would melt your heart.

Daniel also made a touching comment in his speech about his own grandma.

There were quite a few teary eyes in the room at that point!

It was lovely to work with Strawberry Wedding Films again.

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